Saturday, January 10, 2009

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Release Schedule!

Finally got my upcoming products list somewhat up-to-date and back online. Much thanks to Eddie at whoose upcoming publications list I use as a basis for my list. Check it out on the column to the left.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Coruscant Nights - Patterns of Force Cover

Found the cover for the last book of the Michael Reaves Coruscant Nights trilogy on Randomhouse's smart archive tonight.

Click here to go download the Hi-res version.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Begun the Clone Wars has! ... Well soon anyway

The poster and trailer for the upcoming The Clone Wars theatrical release has been released on Click on the picture above to go to the site and check out all the latest info!!

The Circle is Now Complete...

The final chapter in Del Rey's 9 book Legacy of the Force series is now out!! Check out the link below to go to for a excerpt from chapter 3.

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Force Unleashed!!

Star Wars Miniatures the Force Unleashed expansion is out!! Okay, actually it has been out for a few weeks now. Man I am terrible at keeping up with this blog! I preordered 2 cases from and was so excited when they finally came!! I got most of the set from these two cases. Was very pleased!! However didn't get the major miniatures I wanted to get: no Darth Revan, Boba Fett, or Shaak Ti. I'm still on the hunt for these!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


New previews are up at Wizards of the Coast's site. Included this week are previews of Maris Brood and Kazdan Paratus. These minis are powerhouses!! I am getting more and more excited about this set! Go to Wizards' site and check out the stats for these and the earlier previews as well.

Today's Pull

Picked up some Minis today at lunch time. Mostly doubles of what I already. However I did pull a Boba Fett: Enforcer mini from the Alliance & Empire set. I'm excited and can't wait to use him in my next game.

Updated my totals in my progress meter.


The latest installment of the Legacy of the Force storyline from Del Rey is Inferno by Troy Denning. Support and reactions on the Legacy of the Force series up to this point has been moderate at best. But this book, in my humble opinion, is worthy of the Star Wars title! This book feels like Star Wars! I was riveted by this installment of LOTF and finished the book faster than any of the other books in the series so far. It's got it all. Great space battles and a terrific one on one confrontation between Luke Skywalker and Jacen Solo.

My greatest disappointment about the Legacy of the Force series has been the Jedi's blindness about what is happening with the Galactic Alliance and more importantly Jacen's rise to Sith Lord. Finally the Jedi are beginning to wake up!! All it took was Jacen holding the Jedi training academy on Ossus hostage. (sheesh)

I can see this series jumping to lightspeed from this point on! The Jedi should have realized what was going on a lot earlier. If you are interested in getting in LOTF or just wanting to know what is happening I suggest reading reviews or summaries on the first several books of LOTF, but definitely reading this one!! It's worth it!!


Let's see if it works out better this time!!

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Finally got my upcoming publications list back up. Check it out in my resources. Lots of great info that I have missed on posting. Will try to start updating again soon. Thinks have been crazy. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

A look ahead: May

Wallets beware May will break you if you belong to a Star Wars fan! Being that May is the 30th anniversary of the original release of Star Wars Episode IV the fans will be feasting! May 2007 will bring to Star Wars fans and collectors a wealth of merchandise to burn through their funds faster than the Death Star scraps a planet! Here's a look at some of the items on sale in May:

Star Wars: the Prequel Trilogy Paperback
Legacy of the Force: Betrayal Paperback release
Knights of the Old Republic Vol. 2 tpb: Flashpoint!
30th Anniversary Collection: Darth Maul Hardcover reprint
Legacy of the Force #5 - Sacrifice hardcover
Star Wars Role-playing Game: Saga Edition
Star Wars Miniatures - Alliance vs. Empire Expansion set
Star Wars Panel 2 Panel Vol. 2 - Expanding the Universe!

Plus all the monthy Star Wars comics!
Many great toys and other collectibles!
and a rumored (but not confirmed!) DVD 30th Anniversary Boxed Set! First Look: Sacrifice has posted a first look upcoming book #5 of the Legacy of the Force series: Sacrifice by Karen Traviss. Due out May 22 '07 the book is looking really good. Though yes, perhaps Mara Jade looks a little younger than she should. I don't care! The cover looks spectacular! Speculation is rampant about just who it will that Jacen "sacrifices" for the good of the galaxy. The top 2 possibilities it seems is Luke or Mara. Luke is pictured on the back cover with quite the grim expression on his face. Though at this point it could be anybody.

Also mentioned in the article is the announcement of the title of the third Republic Commando book by Karen Traviss: True Colors. This is due out in August'07.

April 2007 Solicitations for Dark Horse!

Here's a link to the announcement: Thanks to Comic News International.

Of note is the absence of Rebellion. What is going on? This should be the time that Dark Horse should pick up the next story arc of Rebellion. So far no word on why there is no mention of it yet. I am heavily antcipating information on this. Hope we here something from them soon.

Check out the link above for full details and here's some pics of the covers for the month of April:

These have all been added to my upcoming publications list as well.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Alliance vs Empire Expansion set revealed!!

Fresh from the Wizards of the Coast early 2007 catalog come some information on the next Star Wars Miniatures expansion set. Here's the info:
30 years of a galaxy far, far away! For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the empire…
Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Star Wars saga with this collection of miniatures inspired by the original Star Wars Trilogy. From the landmark films to the computer games and the novels, this set pits Rebellion against the Empire in battles to decide the fate of the galaxy.
Key selling points:
· The 60 miniatures in this anniversary edition have square bases to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the first Star Wars Movie.
· Set contains new characters including: Biggs Darklighter, Ephant Mon, and Wicket, plus new poses of fan favourites.

· Featured at Star Wars Celebration IV

On Christmas day WOTC's Rob gave the members at the forums on their website this preview of an upcoming figure from the line.
Luke Skywalker, Champion of the Force
49 points

Hit Points 110
Defense 20
Attack +13
Damage 20

Special Abilities
Unique. Melee Attack; Double Attack
Flurry Attack (When this character scores a critical hit, he may make 1 immediate extra attack)

Force Powers:
Force 2. Force Renewal 1
Force Alter (Force 1: range 6; any 1 enemy rerolls its last attack)
Force Leap (Force 1: this turn, this character can move through enemy characters without provoking attacks of opportunity)
Jedi Mind Trick (Force 1, usable only on this character’s turn: range 2; target living enemy is considered activated this round and cannot make attacks of opportunity this turn; save 11)Knight Speed (Force 1: this character can move 4 extra squares on his turn as part of his move)Lightsaber Deflect (Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Use the Force (Force 3: This character’s next attack is a critical hit)

I am very excited about this set! Rebel Storm with all it's classic trilogy action has always been my favorite set. But this may replace it! Only time will tell. Luckily we have til May to plan and save money.

New Feature to my Blog!

For some time now I have kept an ongoing list of upcoming publications and releases for Star Wars products on a file on my computer for reference. Now I make this available to you as well. Just click the link below and let me know what you think. I will also make a permanent link available in my sidebar as well.

This is the first in a series of files and features I plan to have links to on my blog. One other thing will be a complete timeline of Star Wars materials for you to browse at your pleasure. This will be a condensed list with no images. So it will be great for printing to use as a checklist or reading list!


Upcoming Releases