Saturday, December 30, 2006

Knights of the Old Republic #11 & other News!!

Picked up the latest issue of Knights of the Old Republic this week! Once again another fantastic issue! This series just gets better and better. This issue starts a new 2 part story arc called Reunion. The misfits of the Last Resort in an effort to score some cash fall into another hapless adventure and Zayne encounters someone from his past! This issue is jamb packed with lots of humorous moments that will keep you laughing.

One of the highlights of the issue is a letter at the end of the issue by Jeremy Barlow about upcoming events for the 30th anniversary of Star Wars next year. Most of it is much of what we already know. The limited edition Hardback books, the trades of Legacy and Rebellion, and the Panel to Panel 2 book. But what he also mentions is "a couple of brand new, original graphic novels, content of which will make a lasting impression on the Star Wars status quo." WOW!! What a tease they are!! These sound fantastic. I am pumped about hopefully finding out more info about these hopefully soon.

All in all this next year promises to be fantastic for Star Wars fans all around the world.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Star Wars Miniatures Progress Report:

Well, I’ve been collecting Wizards of the Coasts Star Wars Miniatures for about 3 months now! I think I’m getting caught up. I’m almost half way there with what has been released at this point. I am not really considering promos or exclusives at this point. So in the eyes of some that may skew my numbers a bit.

So far my favorite set is the Rebel Storm set! I just got mine yesterday! Ordered a case and Starter set from!! They have a good deal on cases and free shipping on any orders over $75.

Hopefully sometime soon I might get a chance to play a game. Not much of a call for it around here. Plus I’m 30 and don’t have too many friends who collect or play.

Rebel Storm 48/60 80%
Clone Strike 38/60 63%
Revenge of the Sith 4/60 6%
Universe 0/60 0%
Attack on Endor 4/4 100%
AT-AT 0/1 0%
Champions of the Force 47/60 78%
Bounty Hunters 40/60 66%
Starship Battles 22/60 36%
Overall 203/425 48%

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Loooong Time Ago.....

... there was a comic called Rebellion. And a storyline entitled My Brother, My Enemy. Well after months of waiting the final issue in this story arc has finally arrived!! I picked it up today at lunch. While neatly bringing a conclusion to this story arc it left many questions wide open for hopefully upcoming Rebellion story arcs. Was it worth the wait? While the issue did present some awesome artwork and massive battle sequences, the story seemed bleak and even nonexistant. Answers to come, I suppose.

Personally, I am eagerly anticipating information on the next story arc for Rebellion. Rumors and hints have circulated suggesting that the next arc will catch us up with Boshek and Nas Ghent (from Empire and Tales stories). If true, IMO I would look forward to that more than Dark Times! We'll see...

Anyway look for Rebellion #5 at your comic shop today!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Legacy #6 Out Today!

Antother fantastic issue!! If you haven't gotten into this series I have to wonder what your problems is!! The anticipation for the next issue after each issue is gripping. This issue keeps you on your toes. There is some great interaction with Cade and his crew. If you were like me and surprised by the lack of reaction from Delilah and Syn in #5 you will see that they saved it all for this issue! Things come to a explosive head when one of Cade's allies is struck down and Cade's response is "Ok, I've had enough!"

Pick it up now!! And join the rest of us as we hang in suspended animation until next month!!

Starship Battles Released!!

For a few days now the latest Wizards of the Coast Star Wars Miniatures set: Starship Battles has been out! This is set is great! The miniatures are wonderfully detailed! I have yet to play a game but I am looking forward to the having some fun playing soon. I picked up a starter and 2 boosters and this is my pulls so far:

Light Side:
#1 Mon Calamari Star Defender -Viscount
#2 Mon Calamari Cruiser - Home One
#4 Rebel Assault Frigate
#9 Rebel Cruiser
#17 Arc-170 Starfighter
#18 B-Wing Starfighter
#21 Naboo Starfighter (x2)
#23 Rogue Squadron X-wing
#26 V-Wing Starfighter (x2)
#27 X-Wing Starfighter
#28 X-Wing Starfighter Ace
#29 Y-Wing Starfighter

Dark Side:
#31 Super Star Destroyer - Executor
#39 Imperial Shuttle
#41 Sith Infiltrator
#50 Geonosian Starfighter
#52 Scarab Droid Starfighter
#55 Tie Fighter
#56 Tie Fighter Ace
#57 Tie Interceptor
#59 Vulture Droid Starfighter
#60 Vulture Droid Starfighter Advanced

Here's a pic for your pleasure:

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Saw a new article at Game News International today with some updated information on the new Star wars Lethal Alliance game due for the Nintendo DS. Looks like it is going to be an awesome game!! I only hope it will be available for PC also! : ) The thing that surprised me was that the article said it is due out in December 2006! I haven't heard much rumor wise about this game but that's only next month! Anyway click here to check out the article:

And if your are unfamiliar with this game here's a link to the article at about the characters of the game:

Dark Horse Comics - Panel to Panel 2?

From Randy Stradley:

Panel 2 Panel: Would you believe, 2 Panel 2 Furious? Well, whatever we end up calling it, it's true -- a second volume of Panel to Panel is in the works. Set for (I think) May 2007 release, it wil focus on Dark Horse Comics' contributions to the Expanded Universe. For a sneak peek at at new piece by Tsuneo Sanda that was commissioned for the book, point your bowsers to:

That Artwork is fantastic!!


Picked up two Bounty Hunter boosters for the Star Wars Miniatures game Friday night! Got some great pulls. I am just getting underway with getting the Bounty Hunters set so still had several figures that I didn't have. The most notable were:

the Young Krayt Dragon
Colo Nord

also got the rest of the commons I didn't have.


Finally we get to see the cover for Legacy #6. It is as I expected it would be. The ultra cool Imperial Knights on the cover! This series is great! I am totally impressed with the story so far and can't wait to see where it goes.

My desire at this point is that they don't resolve the issue of Cade turning his back on his Skywalker legacy in the first story arc. I hope that if they decide to turn him around and he decides to embrace his Jedi legacy. That he does not do so until the 3rd or 4th story arc. They need to keep with brooding hero struggling with his legacy thing for awhile.

This issue supposedly hits stand November 22. Only three weeks away!! Lets keep our fingers crossed!! :)

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Welcome to my new Blog!!

Welcome to my new Blog!! Here I will be sharing a little bit about the things that interest me most. For those who don't know I am a huge Star Wars fan!! So that will probably be the contact of most of my posts here. However, I am not planning to restrict myself to this. I have many interests that will make their way here from time to time. Thanks for stopping by!