Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Starship Battles Released!!

For a few days now the latest Wizards of the Coast Star Wars Miniatures set: Starship Battles has been out! This is set is great! The miniatures are wonderfully detailed! I have yet to play a game but I am looking forward to the having some fun playing soon. I picked up a starter and 2 boosters and this is my pulls so far:

Light Side:
#1 Mon Calamari Star Defender -Viscount
#2 Mon Calamari Cruiser - Home One
#4 Rebel Assault Frigate
#9 Rebel Cruiser
#17 Arc-170 Starfighter
#18 B-Wing Starfighter
#21 Naboo Starfighter (x2)
#23 Rogue Squadron X-wing
#26 V-Wing Starfighter (x2)
#27 X-Wing Starfighter
#28 X-Wing Starfighter Ace
#29 Y-Wing Starfighter

Dark Side:
#31 Super Star Destroyer - Executor
#39 Imperial Shuttle
#41 Sith Infiltrator
#50 Geonosian Starfighter
#52 Scarab Droid Starfighter
#55 Tie Fighter
#56 Tie Fighter Ace
#57 Tie Interceptor
#59 Vulture Droid Starfighter
#60 Vulture Droid Starfighter Advanced

Here's a pic for your pleasure:

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